DRTB Dashboard
729 TB Cases Notified

Trends of TB Cases

DRTB by Resistance Pattern

94 | 12.9 % Multi Drug Resistant
304 | 41.7 % Rifampicin-resistant TB
320 | 43.9 % Monoresistant TB
2 | 0.3 % Polydrug Resistant
8 | 1.1 % Pre-Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
1 | 0.1 % Extensively drug-resistant TB

DRTB Treament Outcomes

104 | 14.3 % Cured
136 | 18.7 % Treatment Success Rate
31 | 4.3 % Died
5 | 0.7 % Lost to Treatment Follow-up
557 | 76.4 % Not Evaluated